July 7, 2017

A Fish Story

A few years ago while living in Valdez, we decided to spend the afternoon at a local lake. The girls spent their time finding little treasures (aka rocks, flowers, etc.) and trying to catch fish in a little net we brought. After a while, we decided it was time to go, but Rosalina was nearly in tears because she hadn't caught a fish yet. 
Ethan saw her frustration, so he stepped over, gently took the net, and trolled in the area until he caught one. He then called Rosalina over, handed her the net and said "You should scoop in this area!" 
A moment later, they were checking the net to see what she had found, and she became so excited to have "caught" one all by herself! 
She was So. Cute.

You know, sometimes I wonder how often we pride ourselves on our own accomplishments when God is behind the scenes, setting things in order for us. Rosalina will likely never know that Ethan caught that fish before she ever touched the net...
For all the hidden graces this last week, thank you Lord.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So sweet and yes, always thankful for those graces! How's Homer life and what's happening at YWAM base there? I love that your family is serving there in Alaska!!

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