April 8, 2008


Questions don’t intimidate God. The Bible is not just a showcase of what we understand to be true about God, it also contains stories and situations that don’t seem to make sense. God could have eliminated these parts, but He didn’t. This tells me that God is not insecure about who He is: his character, ways, and decisions are on open display, in spite of the fact (I’m sure He knows) there will be misunderstandings. He is honest about who He is, and does not shrink back from our response to His truth.
It is good to question why bad things happen to good people, especially as Christians. If we as Christians have a hard time seeing the hand of God in our own lives, then you can be sure that the world is asking the same questions. Why was my brother killed? What is the purpose (is there a purpose) in the death of a child? How could God have allowed my mom to die? Until we can wrestle with these issues, and still conclude in full assurance of faith that God is a good God, we will never be empowered to speak to the world. In the words of Paul Alan:
I know you’re there, just beyond this prayer; 
I believe you, silent as you are.
And the emptiness is not purposeless; 
It’s only thirst compelling us to drink; 
Only questions find the answers that they seek.
Go ahead, ask away! I am not saying that you will always get an answer, but I do think that once you wrestle through an issue, you will get a greater glimpse of who God is in your situation. Isn’t that what our highest goal should be - getting to know the One we serve so that we may more accurately reflect His true self to the world?