April 19, 2008

Speaking engagement . . .

Today my friend Malissa joined me for a ride over to Silverton, where I had the opportunity to share with a group of ladies about Youth With A Mission and what we do here. I really enjoyed the opportunity to share, and was blessed to hear that the feeling was mutual! 

Side note: I woke up to a light dusting of snow on the car this morning - incredible, huh? It was also snowing off and on from the time we arrived (in Silverton) until we left for home. One of the ladies at the church said this was the latest (in the year) that it has snowed since 1911. Crazy weather!

Also, Ethan is heading into his third week of the Teacher's Training course offered here at the base. Way to go Ethan! He is even scheduled to speak here on May 6th, which he is a bit nervous about . . . so if you think to, please pray for him. Thanks!

And here's a look at Ethan and the girls . . . 

So much fun!