May 28, 2008

Farm Country

We went over to Iowa a week or so ago and had the privilege of seeing Ethan's sister, Carmen, graduate from college. This would be praiseworthy all by itself, but when you take into consideration she has a husband and two children to care for, this accomplishment takes on a whole new dimension, transforming Ethan's little sister into a Superwoman -of sorts. We are so proud of her!

While there, we also had a chance to visit with Nick's side of the family, and were given a mini-tour of their farm, complete with cows, chickens, piglets, and even a cat to complete the picture! I was a little shocked to discover that they carry their piglets by the foot, instead of holding them around the middle. But I guess that's the way they are supposed to be carried, and it does not hurt them. It just makes me wonder, what hilarious story is behind that little trick? Anyway, we had a lot of fun and enjoyed getting to catch a glimpse of life in a place where people are living close  to the land . . .

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