I strongly feel that every stage of life affords us a glimpse of God that we would not otherwise be privileged to have. As a child, I appreciated the fact that God was my Father. As a wife, I caught a glimpse of the fact that God is a Lover, the One who has been an eternal pursuer of man. After becoming a mother, once more I caught a glimpse of the character of God, especially the fact that His love towards me is unmerited and eternal. Shortly after Jasmine was born, I wrote a short piece on my feelings at becoming a mom. I want to share them with you here:
I carried you in my womb for over nine months, I will carry you in my heart forever. . . . When you smile, however unknowingly it may be, I feel as though I've been given a glimpse of heaven; amazingly beautiful, but still only a glimpse of things to come. How completely you have captured my heart, little one! You, my bundle of joy, whose only form of communication is through crying . . . I am delighted by every face you make, every sound you utter - everything you do is completely captivating. I could stare at you endlessly and never tire of marvelling at the perfection of every feature.
The task of responsibility weighs more heavily on my shoulders as I realize you are completely dependent on me for everything. As I reflect on this new stage of life, it makes me wonder, "Is this what God thinks of me?"
After reflecting, I would have to conclude, Yes. This must be only a dim reflection of the love God Himself has towards those He calls His own. For while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Before we knew we needed a Savior, and before we could articulate our desire or longing
for relationship, even then, God's love was shown for us. And all I can say is . . . Thank You.
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