November 12, 2010

What I've been up to lately...


Love the Victorian girl on this one

Blue & brown... so adorable

I love red roses!

Being crafty, mostly. That and taking care of Maya, who had to go to the doctor this week for a kidney/bladder infection. (We never really found out which it was.) Ethan took her in and I'm SO glad he did... he said he had to use a lot of force to try to keep her still while the nurse tried FIVE times to give her an injection of antibiotics in the bottom. Ouch. When she got home, I laid her in my bed to rest. When I lay beside her, she said, "Mom I don't like socks." Why not? I asked. There was a long pause before she said "Mooom." Oh, you mean shots. You don't like shots. I'm sorry. I made that mistake several times in the next couple days.  Socks = Shots

That was my week. That and Jasmine asking "Mom, how do you say 'My boat is sinking, I need help' in Spanish?" Good question. I didn't know the answer. But it did give me a good belly laugh. And my friends on Facebook lent me a hand with an answer:
                              Mi barco se esta hundiendo! necesito ayuda! 
Now we know.  : )

We have our Christmas tree up already, and I am quilting a skirt for it. I'll post pics when that is done. In the meantime, I'll be working on more goodies for the bazaar. Yee ha! Off I go...


1 comment:

roberry said...

the headbands are beautiful! you're so talented. and jasmine, how hilarious that she's asking about sinking boats in spanish. ha! that gave me a laugh! :) i miss you dear.

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