September 25, 2011

I love you more

She scaled my spice rack to get up here... pretty tricky

A few reasons why I love being a Mom:

Maya telling me: I love you more than anyone ever loved their mom OR dad!

Reading Brown Bear Brown Bear with Rosalina and kissing every time we get to the fish picture because I don't know what sound fish make and so we just make fishy lips together and kiss.

Cute skirts and dolls to dress

Swinging in a hammock with my girls and listening to them laugh when I tickle their little bellies

Unexpected messes that I will miss later... like this one where Rosalina climbed onto the kitchen counter to dump sugar on the counter and eat it  : )

Tight hugs with arms that barely fit around my neck

Snuggling with baby while we read stories and she looks at my face to watch me say the words

Permanent marker on chubby legs, waiting to surprise me when I return from a different room...

Jasmine deciding - on her own - to wear a dress I made for her

Joy in small things, like strawberry ice cream on a hot day

Getting to learn together - art, Tchaikovsky, letters, numbers, what God is like

Getting "heart kisses" The girls make their hands into the shape of a heart and blow a kiss through it... and they DO expect you to catch them!

Listening to Rosalina sing E-I-E-I-O over and over, or bus.. beep beep for her version of The Wheels on the Bus

My sister-in-law pointed out the other day that having kids is like having your own little fan club... everyone thinks you're the greatest!

I love telling my children Guess what? You are my treasure. I love being your Mommy... and I am so glad God gave you to me!

my sweet girls

I love getting a teeny idea how much God loves me through the love I feel for my girls.
It's HUGE, people!

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