September 26, 2011

You are mine

A few nights ago, Jasmine came out of her room after Ethan had put her to bed. She wanted to cuddle, but it was late, so I told her she needed to go to bed. She promptly returned to her room and in a moment I heard her crying. So I followed her and sat in the floor to caress her hair awhile. Maya climbed out of her bunk and tried to get comfy by using my legs as a pillow. She kept sitting up and rubbing my legs with her hands until I realized - my knees are not that cushy! So I pulled a blanket up and she settled in. As I caressed their hair, I began singing and praying over them until I felt God speaking to me, reminding me that I am engraved on the palm of his hand, and nothing - No one - can ever remove me from His hand.

In the past, my faith has faltered. I've doubted God, misunderstood his intentions, and I've been broken by circumstances. But over and over, God has shown Himself to be so faithful, always persevering, always patient with my finite capacity to understand what He is up to. But while I sang, I just felt God telling me over and over, You are mine.

I will sing over you, because you are my child.
I will sing over you, come sit with me awhile
And I will sing redemption songs as I hold you in my arms...

You are mine, you are mine.

When you walk through the fire, I will be there.
When you walk through the flood, I will be there.
And you'll never have to fear
'Cause I am always near
Can't you hear me sing?

You are mine, you are mine.

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