December 27, 2011

Dancing and some thoughts on fame

This moment of fame
Is just the same
As every other star
You only go so far
Till the light burns dim
Till it flickers and dies
As you fade from the eyes
Of every person around
Save for the sound
Of a well preserved archive via the internet.

But don’t lament
Not just yet
If you want to burn bright
You need an Eternal light
For platforms are built to crumble and fall
Only feet on the Rock will ever stand tall

So if you want to make an imprint on the world you can see
Then remember this friend - take it from me:
If Jesus is lifted up
His fame will reign
Lives will be changed
Things can’t be the same
Because when He calls
All men to come near
They surely will hear
As your life light infects the dark night
With an unstoppable flame
That will bring sight
To the blind, brokenhearted
The unbearably pained
With the redemptive healing power
Only Jesus can bring.

So stop building self-centered Kingdoms that melt with the sand
It’s time to step up and seek His plan.
So to it! Time flies! Don’t hedge about!
There’s only one Man's approval you can’t live without.
Just build your house on the rock my friend
Get delivered from the drug of man’s opinions        
and then
You’ll be fit to serve the true King
You'll be ready to give away everything
As the light of God’s glory fills your life
And the fireworks sparked beat back the night
You’ll add another line to the centuries-long story,
As you loudly proclaim Another Man’s glory
Now that’s a fame worth striving for.
And all it takes to start is an open door...

the one to your throne room.

I wrote this poem after discovering a guy named George Sampson, a street dancer from the UK. 


He tried out for Britain's Got Talent, but didn't really get anywhere with it the first year. The second time he went out for it, he ended up winning and walked away with 100,000 pounds (however much that is.) Anyway, I watched several videos of this guy (because if I could have picked a talent, it would have been the ability to dance) and I ended up wondering where his road would lead him. It seems so many young people have started off with acting/singing/success, and they end up on some detour that leads... well, to dead end streets.

This poem was my thought process unfurled.

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