June 19, 2013

Where contentment begins

Since we've decided to move, I've been researching where we should land, looking at real estate and different homes, curious to see what kind of place we may settle in. Last night I confessed to Ethan that it seemed like we were drifting... losing focus, that is. It's just so easy to let what we can see distract us from the eternal and Unseen.

Well, this morning I was reminded of what really matters through a dream Jasmine shared with me. She dreamed we were poor... very poor. Our clothes were covered with patches, we had no shoes, and we had no kitchen to speak of. We had to walk to the ocean to get our water with a bucket. We even had no vehicle.... we had to walk everywhere we went, and there was very little food for us to share.

I had her share the dream with me so I could record it.

Here are her own words:

"In my other dreams, I never find my way home - in this dream, I did. I was so happy. I wanted to cry because in my dreams, no one knows Jesus, and in this dream, they did. We were praying; someone else didn't know God, so we gave them our food, and we told them about God.

"In my dream we were happy for what God gave us. When I walked in the room, everyone was happy, thanking God for what He gave us instead of begging for more...."

Joy, real contentment does not begin with a promotion, a bigger home, a nicer vehicle, or the latest gadget... it starts now, with being thankful for whatever you have. It starts with knowing Jesus. 

What a way to start the day, as my 7 year old reminds me of what is truly important...

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