December 18, 2014

If you want to see a miracle

Maya: Mom, I want to see a miracle. I've never seen a miracle before.

Behind me I heard Jasmine turn to face Maya as she emphatically declared
Yes you have!!
Breathing is a miracle! (She took a couple deep breaths to prove her point.)
Walking is a miracle!
Seeing is a miracle!
Grabbing is a miracle!

(At this point, my face is turned toward the wall over the kitchen sink and I am trying not to laugh out loud. I was also marveling at Jasmine and her appreciation of the simplest things in life.)

Using your nose to smell is a miracle! On and on she went until Maya finally interrupted, Not THAT kind of miracle- I mean like Gladys, when that guy tried to punch her and something stopped his hand in mid-air....  (She was referring to a scene from a book Ethan had read to them about Gladys Aylward, a missionary to China.)

By that time, I had wandered over to the table to sit with them, and to offer some perspective.
Maya - that was in the middle of a prison riot. How hard do you think it would be to trust God in the middle of something like that?

I once heard of a woman who felt that God had told her she would pray for blind eyes and they would be opened. So every time she saw someone who was blind, she asked if she could pray for them... except nothing happened the first time, or the second time, or even the third time.

How much faith do you think it would take to keep praying for people if you didn't see anything happen the first few times?

Well, she was persistent, because she knew God had promised that He would open blind eyes if she would pray. So she prayed for hundreds of people without seeing anything, until one day, when she was praying for someone- God opened  their eyes!!! And after that, Every time she prayed for someone they received their sight!!! Isn't that Amazing?!?

Now, are you willing to trust God even when you don't see anything? If you want to see a miracle, I'm sure God will let you see one, but we need to be willing to pray for people...

Maya was quiet, and seemed a bit unsure about the idea, but it got me thinking too...

We love miracles don't we? It's just really hard to be in a circumstance that requires one. Usually it means you have already exhausted every other option for deliverance, and it sometimes means whatever is happening is out of your control. That is a rough situation to be in...

Ah, but God specializes in the impossible. I just imagine He wishes we would pray about things more often. Is anything too hard for Him?


Maybe the harder part is us learning to ask for miracles.... 

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