February 17, 2018

Motherhood is ministry too

A few days ago, one of our mission partners requested photos of our work here.

You know - ministry photos.

They wanted to share our work on their website so others could see what we are doing up here.

Sounds great! I'd love to share! I'll get right on that!

As I scrolled through months of photos, I began to feel awkward.

We don't have a lot of ministry photos recently, especially since our last students graduated in November.

Instead, I found a lot of photos like this:

Playtimes at the park.

Art projects.

Baking creations.

Pirate treasures.

Jasmine is our resident baker: she has made birthday cakes for each of us this last year.

She loves baking so much that we stayed up one night brainstorming what it would look like to sell cupcakes at the Farmer's Market. After discussing startup costs, the supplies she would need to get, the time it would take to cook every week, and the flavors she would make (Coconut cream! Raspberry Lemon!), I got so excited about it that I sketched out a logo for her the following day:

Cupcake Cafe.

Then I came across these photos. This was the day the girls decided to fill a little jewelry box with treasures, wrapped it in saran wrap, and buried it in the yard.

Jasmine drew a treasure map and the girls spent over two hours playing and searching for their buried treasure outside that day, in spite of the cold!

Then there's the day we made sushi and enjoyed Chinese music while we practiced our chopstick skills.

And let's not forget the morning I checked my voicemail to hear: Hey guys! I bought a ticket and will be there tomorrow! As in, I am calling you between flights.

So we halted life for a visit. We read books, did art together, and had our nails painted- because that's what you do when family comes in for a couple of days. You stop to enjoy them.

As I scrolled through all my photos, I found more of the same:

Meals together, baking projects, secret agent spy games, and books we've read.
Art, fun places visited, snow days and snuggle times.

As I scrolled through the last few months of pictures, it dawned on me: these are all ministry photos:  

I am ministering to my children.

Every note, every meal, all the moments I have spent encouraging their creativity: this is ministry.

All the hugs, all the quick kisses on the forehead, every kind word spoken: this is ministry.

Every time I pray for them, or Ethan reads yet another evening devotion: this is ministry.

And I wonder, Why is it so easy to forget that?

We have other ministry opportunities- yes. 

I love to teach at Women's Conferences and Discipleship Schools. I enjoy helping to lead worship from the piano and sharing wisdom through speaking and writing.

Ethan is amazing at connecting with people, making them feel seen and valued. As a Youth Leader, he is lively and fun to be around. As a missionary, he is a very practical, hands-on guy who sees the value of meeting real needs.

I know what our friends were asking for when they requested those pictures, and I will be sending them some great photos. I mean, we've volunteered at the World Eskimo and Indian Olympics! We've taught in Bible schools, and done a lot of service projects since returning to Alaska- we have wonderful photos to share!

But I feel I've been given a gift with this new perspective.

Motherhood is ministry too. 

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