I have some ideas as to why God’s definition of ‘good’ may differ from our own:
1) Dilemma of the cosmic vending machine: God refuses to become our ‘quick fix’. Lots of people followed Jesus for the fishes and the loaves. If God obligated Himself to respond favorably to our every whim, it would probably end up being marketed. If you can get results from a formula, why bother with a relationship?
2) It rains on the just and the unjust. (Matthew 5:45) If bad things only happened to the lost, it would seem that God was forcing Himself on us: For example - Convert or you will have diseases, discouragement, and death. Reality: Christians experience grief and troubles along with the rest of the world.
Why? Maybe God allows conflict to
1. Keep us humble
2. Enable us to empathize with and be compassionate towards others
3. Show Himself strong through our insufficiencies by expressing His redemptive nature.
Just a few ideas to chew on . . .