September 28, 2011

Art co-op

A lady in our town has opened up an art co-op, so I am hoping to get some art projects together to put in her shop before the grand opening next week. I'm super excited, but my frenetic creativity is hard to tame, and I'm trying to figure out what to put in there. I will be playing music for the grand opening, and since it is a costume party of sorts (we're supposed to dress like our favorite artist, musician, or actor), I've the added intrigue of figuring who I should go as... hmmm...

Anyway, here are a few of the photos I was thinking of putting in the gallery:

business card maybe? can you see the tan line?  haha

Some flowers I snapped in Whittier

A painting I did...

White flowers

Captured this one in Tennessee a while back

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