September 29, 2011

Whatever you want...

For the last week or so during meals, every time I ask Maya what she would like to drink, she replies with, "I would like whatever you want to give me." I'm not sure why she started saying this, but it got me to thinking - she trusts me. She knows I love her and that I like to give her good things. I think this is the way we should be with God. Sometimes we don't know what is best for us, but if we trust God's good intentions for our lives, we should be able to ask God for His will in our lives instead of telling Him what we think we ought to have.

I know this may not always turn out wonderful - like when God told us to move to Alaska and everything went wrong. But at the end of that season, God stamped the word TRUSTWORTHY over my heart. When the curtain of that season was drawn to a close, I was indelibly imprinted with the knowledge that God cares for us and will work all things out for our good. So even when the process could be likened to being put into an oven - or my favorite word picture - being squeezed in a winepress, I can trust that God knows what kind of strength training I need for the next challenge in life.

Since God is a good Father who likes to give good gifts, I will take what comes knowing that every good and perfect gift is from Him. In the meantime, the next time Maya tells me she'll take whatever I want to give her, I'm going to fix her a tall glass of chocolate milk.

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