September 30, 2011

Pizza dough and Kingdom living...

A couple days ago, Maya came into the kitchen while I was mixing up some dough for pizzas. When she saw what I was doing she asked if she could help. Of course I said yes. She then let out a sound that was a cross between a high pitched shriek and WOO! Then she did it again.

Me:  What are you squeaking about?
Maya:  I'm excited!
Me:  Oh, really? What are you excited about?
Maya:  I'm excited I get to work with you!

I just stopped and stared for a moment as it dawned on me - this is the way I should be with God. Eager to assist, and excited to be a part of whatever He is doing. Oh to be a child in Heaven's Kitchen! Finding joy in the smallest tasks because of Who I get to do them with.

This is Kingdom Come.


Silvia Lora said...

Beautiful! This is true! Thank you for sharing this :)

Mekeisha said...

You are very welcome!

Holly Days Closet said...

Came across your blog while I was just looking around at kinds of blogs I truly love this I want to be excited in God's kitchen Thanks for the reminder to be so.

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