October 14, 2011

Calgon, take me away...

Mom, have you ever seen a boat car?
No, I don't think so. Not unless I saw it in a book somewhere. What is it?
Well, when the ocean is as deep as the sky, you can float a boat car on top. And it can be all the colors of the rainbow.  -conversation with Maya

Yesterday was busy... like messy busy. Rosalina found some Bisquick mix in the front room and dumped it in the carpet while she was supposed to be taking a nap. Meanwhile other little girls busied themselves with other amusements. They found an open bag of chocolate chips and decided to help themselves, snuck tic-tacs out of my room to eat and used cheerios to fill mini-muffin tins in the living room and (of course) got them into the carpet there as well. By the end of the day, I was thinking - Calgon, take me away! There's a time stamp for you on my age... haha

Ethan was supposed to take the girls to AWANA last night, and I was really looking forward to the break. But half an hour before it started, Ethan called to ask if I could take the girls in instead. He had a legitimate reason - he was in the middle of relocating a greenhouse and needed to finish - but that didn't stop the negative tude I had. I was jolted, angry, frustrated... really looking forward to some downtime without mischievous munchkins getting into things... and now I had half an hour to get everyone fed, find a sitter for Rosalina, and out the door to spend time with even more children!

Rosalina's dress was covered with food, so I took it off, then she spilled milk in her lap when I was getting her up from the table... into the tub for a quick wash-up, get her dressed... fix the girls hair, everyone gets coats and shoes on... and then Rosalina messes her diaper right before we leave, so of course I have to change her before we leave so I don't look like a negligent mother... can you feel the tension mounting?

Anyway, long story short, I apologized to the girls for having a bad attitude and they forgave me.

Today was much less stressful - we even made time to go to the neighborhood park to play tag and swing on the swings... fun times... then we came home and had hot chocolate - so delish!

Also, Rosalina painted for the first time today, along with her sisters. Not sure what she painted more, her paper, or the plate the paint was on. Too cute...

In other news, Ethan got his glasses in today - very nice looking, I'd say. He went in a couple weeks ago to get his eyes checked (finally!) and discovered how fuzzy he's been seeing the world. The girls and I agree - we like the way they look. My husband is like fine wine, he just gets better with age!

I guess that's the scoop for today...

1 comment:

Joey said...

I read this and kinda giggled to myself saying been there done that. All moms I know have a memory like that. Days like that make me realize how blessed I am all the other days that are so good, of course that's AFTER calvin takes me away :-)

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