October 5, 2011

Hawaii and other news

So... life has been very eventful lately on the news front. Last week a friend from YWAM called me up and asked if Ethan and I would consider staffing a Discipleship Training School this winter. We prayed about it, and since the offer was in line with the direction we already felt God was leading us, we said Yes! This will be a four month commitment, with Staff Training beginning in December, and the school starting on January the 5th. The school will be held in Kona, Hawaii, so there are a lot of things we need to take care of before setting out. We will be staffing the Voice for the Voiceless DTS, a school that will be combining storytelling and photography to address issues of injustice. If you want to know more about it, you can check it out here.

In other news, Ethan's parents are moving... to Missouri. So far away! We knew it was coming, they've been talking about moving for the last few years, but that didn't seem to make it any easier once they actually settled on leaving. While away this summer, Mom only had about 7 migraines. Since returning, she's had one nearly every day. It was the same way last winter, as well. She hasn't been able to trace them to anything - food, sleep, the weather... so it looks as though moving will be the only solution.

My greatest sadness about this is that the girls will miss getting to have their grandparents around. Mom especially is always so encouraging... so sweet and good with the girls. I think I feel grieved about the relationship they will be missing out on. I'm sure we will fly out to visit occasionally, but this is one chapter of our lives that I'm sad to see coming to a close...

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