October 15, 2011

No more tears

Maya, did you know that in Heaven there are no tears? Well, there aren't. The Bible says that God will  wipe away all tears from our eyes.

With His hands?

Yes... with His hands.

With His peace?

Yes... with His peace.

Why is it that these simple conversations bring such enlightenment? I've read that verse so many times before, but never connected it to the fact that God Himself will use His hands to wipe the tears from our faces.
I love having these sweet faces to kiss and enjoy. There are nights when little ones wants to cuddle (like tonight it was Jasmine) and I told her... come snuggle with me in the morning; it's too late. Well, tonight it was late because we spent the evening at a big birthday bash for our pastor. Anyway, I don't want to say no to cuddle time any more. One day she won't ask to cuddle and I will regret I ever said no... So here I am in bed, praying, God please show me how to connect with Jasmine better, help me to know how I can show her how much I love her. She is so precious, and has so many gifts to share with others... she's thoughtful, generous, and such a sweetheart. Wisdom, Lord... that's what I need.

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