November 12, 2011

The story of Moses

Jasmine is in Kindergarden. She loves to draw pictures and even tries to make cards for people by sounding the words out. But one of her favorite things to do is to dictate stories. She will draw a picture and then tell the story to Ethan or I so we can write it down on the back of the paper. When I returned from the ladies retreat this last Sunday, Ethan showed me this story that Jasmine had shared. She was very slow in telling it.... Ethan said there were lots of pauses, but here it is for you:

  Once upon a time there was a mom. She ran and ran and ran. While the army ran higher so they couldn't see the parents. Then she put her baby in a basket and sang a song. She sang a pretty song so her baby could go right to sleep; then her baby floated away. But the baby cried when the waves came. But the basket was closed tight and the baby could not fall out. There was a princess about to take a bath, but she saw the basket. And the other princesses got it for her. Then there was the baby's sister peeking out of grass and she said, "Can I get a nurse for this baby?" And the princess said, "I would love for you to!" Then the sister brought her mom. Then the princess said to the baby's mom, "Bring this baby boy back when he can walk." They lived happily ever after. The end.

The mom is crying and smiling at the same time because she knows her baby will be safe with the Princess.

Well, there you have it. Another reason I love teaching my children at home. I love their art and I am amazed at how well they remember things - Jasmine especially.

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