November 10, 2011

Photo shoot

Ethan always takes the best pics of me!
 Today I dolled up for a photo shoot. I took some of my art over to the General store to sell as a fundraiser for our upcoming trip, and Debbie thought it would be a good idea to make a sign to let people know - I'm local!

So there you have it. That, and I stayed up till 3:30 last night making flowers and brainstorming ideas to help us raise money for the school we will be staffing. Good times, good times. Maybe I'll post some pics of the flowers later. I'm wearing one in the picture up top. PINK!

Tonight I must get some sleep. My laundry has gone into stealth mode and is slowly reclaiming every square inch of my bedroom floor. I must conquer this pile! I MUST OVERCOME! That, and I want to get up early enough to read and pray before the girls wake up. Once their feet hit the floor, the day speeds up.


Thomas and Lisa said...

Beautiful photos of you although since you are beautiful, any photo of you would be!

Did you secure a nanny for your upcoming school?

Karisse said...

You are the cutest. :)

Mekeisha said...

Awww, shucks. Thanks guys.

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