December 1, 2011

Life is beautiful

Ethan making memories

Maya, finding just the right spot for that gumdrop

Gingerbread house - love the snowman!

Manger scene - Jasmine, 2010
Party on the kitchen table!

I love life in our home, with my little family. At any given moment, you may walk in to discover music filling the air, children playing, home-cooked food, and imaginations running wild. Stools are frequently turned over to be made into trains, and if you come in the evening, you may get to hear Ethan share another installment in the Princess series. Jasmine-ika, Maya-yoko, and Rosalina-palina each have their own white pony in Princess Land - and many wild stories have been birthed from that place!

Evenings are also a great time for learning. Ethan taught the girls about acronyms by naming some of their stuffed animals.
                  KFBM = Kung Fu Black Monkey
                  SB = Sweet Bear
                  KFBC = Kung Fu Black Cat
                  And I can't remember the other ones...

He also named a plastic duster Sir Dust-A-Bunny, and we mustn't forget Pinkafur, the little monkey with pink fur, hence the name.  : ) Yes, life is beautiful, and I am loving it.

Now, I am not saying our life is perfect, because it's not. Little ones do squabble sometimes, and toys usually litter the floor. Dishes don't always get washed in the evening, and our home sometimes feels like it is shrinking, with three girl sharing one room right now. But I'm finding thankfulness takes the little you have and turns it into enough. We are very rich compared to the rest of the world, you know. I have several pairs of shoes, clothes overflowing from closets, and heat to keep us warm from the snow and crazy wind. Healthy children and a Living God who cares for us. What more could I ask for?

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