November 27, 2011

Rosalina's 2nd Birthday!

Birthdays are fun. Mostly.
Rosalina was so tired - her party was in the afternoon - that she laid her head on the table and cried when we sang Happy Birthday to her! I think its partly because she wanted a cupcake, and I wouldn't let her eat one before we sung to her. AND when I lit the candles, they started spitting sparks. In my haste at the store, I accidentally grabbed the ones that keep lighting after you blow them out! Poor girl... kinda frustrating when you're already tired and your candles won't stay blown out. I dipped them in water to make them stop re-lighting, and the rest of the afternoon when fairly smooth.
Fun times...

Well, at least I kept to the theme of cupcakes on the second Birthday. Now if only I could find that pic of me on MY second birthday...

Two. Two. Two. cute

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