December 15, 2011

Rap it up

Today during our training, we were split into four groups: rappers, artists, sculptors, and drama/ skit people. We then had to create a piece to illustrate a YWAM value. I went with the rappers and put a twist on words I had sketched out before:

Amazing, unchanging
You are infinite and intimate
And I stand in awe of the Uncreated King
The God of life, love, and creativity
Staring at the tube that brings gloom
Leads me to think that we are all doomed
But then I come to the throne of grace
Asking You to remove the mud from my face.
Replace it with your lens
Remind me again
You are not yet discouraged with man.
In fact, you have hope
Even when I fret and can barely cope
You see what I can't see.
I see an acorn, You see the tree
I see brokenness, while You birth a dream

One hope, one goal, one place to seek
Every tribe, nation, tongue falling to their knees.

Make this my goal - make this my dream
To see one Bride loving One King.

We were focusing on seeing life from God's perspective, and this came out. We had about 15 minutes to pull it together, so I rapped, while someone did a beatbox, another did backup vocals, and two others danced. It was fairly short, but so much fun!

I have other stories I'd love to share from this time, but time is slipping and eyelids are drooping, so I'm off to get some beauty rest.

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