December 12, 2011

Who's the greatest?

Lately I’ve been thinking about people - and why do I classify and categorize them all the time? This person is important, they do significant, big things, that person is important, but they do small things, and on and on it goes. And of course I always end up being the small person doing things that seem small and insignificant, especially compared to those who are, say fighting injustice, or serving in faraway lands.

So coming to Kona has caused me to wonder where all this categorizing comes from, and I wonder if it’s even necessary at all. Quite honestly, it feels humbling (and I mean it makes me feel small) to be around people who have been involved with missions all of their lives, and I do mean all of their lives.

I feel humbled and yet, this “humility” seems to really be a lie in disguise. Because when I feel small, what I do loses it’s purpose and I find myself wanting to do what appears to be the bigger, more significant things that others are doing. But that is not what God has called me to. I’m not fully certain of what God has called me to (especially as it pertains to Alaska), but to think that other things are more important than what God has asked me to do is a great way to end up off the beaten path.

I’m reminded of the disciples, always wanting to know who was the greatest. Asking questions like, Who will get to sit beside you (on your right and left) when you come into your Kingdom? Always, always, Jesus responded by pointing them to children and saying, Unless you become like a child, you cannot even enter Heaven. 

Okay Jesus, you’ve got my attention now, what do you mean by that?

It reminds me of another time when Jesus explains to the crowd that in the Kingdom of Heaven, the last will be first, and the first will be last.

That makes me wonder if those we see as physically and mentally handicapped might one day be sitting at the head of the table... but you know what? I have no issues with that. I would love to see the last be first in that instance, because I realize at that point - who’s the greatest? will not be a question to be asked.

In the great house of God, we are all children, and no one will wonder who’s the greatest - because it will be clear that God is. So I guess my job is to just love Him and serve to the best of my ability in whatever area He has placed me in, and stop fretting about where I am in relation to everyone else. It really doesn’t matter how I measure up or don’t measure up to others, because I’m serving Jesus, not people - and if I have his smile, then I'm probably a blessing to the people around me anyway.

I realize this last paragraph doesn't flow too well, but I haven't the time to perfect it right now. It's either post with imperfections or not at all - so here you are.  : )

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