January 29, 2012

Count it all joy . . .

When you stub your toe trying to get in the shower
when your house is screaming "Neglect! Neglect! I'm suing for neglect!"
when your energy runs out before the day ends
when your right ear swells twice its size
when your face is itchy every day for a week and you can't figure out why
when your children get sick and feverish
when your husband hurts his back 
when your camera breaks
when your roof begins leaking in three different places and you're not there to fix it
when your brand new ($1,600) heater breaks down and you're not there to negotiate the warranty
when finances are slow to come in
when you are informed that your van was so buried with snow, the guy running the plow accidentally took the bumper off.
And no, I'm not making any of this up.

This is one mile you wouldn't want to be in my shoes for... or would you?

I did a short study on laughter a week or so ago, and every time the Bible says something about God laughing, he's always laughing at trouble. He laughs at trouble, and people who cause trouble. There could be a million reasons why He does this, but I'm guessing it's like an ant marching across this table and shaking his fist at me as he threatens to annihilate all my possessions. Ridiculous, right? Yeah, I thought so too. God is so big that all our troubles stacked still cannot compete for a worried glance from God. So if God can laugh at trouble, I will too. This will be my act of worship. I will not bend my knees to circumstances, instead I will bow in recognition that God is greater - Always greater than whatever circumstances surround me. My laugh will be evidence that I trust God.


Just call me Isaac. 

I sound brave and I'm trying to be, but the fact is we could use some prayer. A lot of it.   
We cannot be Lone Rangers in this work. We need you. 

1 comment:

Thomas and Lisa said...

Praying for you. We could make a similar list. Different things listed but a list of troubles. Ripe ground for anxiety to grow. But I have noticed a wonderful work of the Spirit in my heart as I don't worry like I used to. I am better able to stand firm on our Father. Just yesterday when faced with another trouble, I told myself "God is good all the time. He will bring good from this." And He did. Over and over, when we have struggled this past year, He faithfully provided the encouragement we needed. I pray He will do the same for your family.
With love,

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