February 3, 2012

Palm trees and rugby

Goodness gracious. I am just not sure I'm going to be able to capture everything that goes on around here, so I'll just try to share little pieces, and hopefully they will fit together well enough to help you see the big picture of what it's like to be on campus.

This is a very small thing, but I must share. There are a lot of palm trees around here, along with lovely shrubs and assorted flowers such as Hyacinth and plumeria which are dotted along all the walkways here. These walkways are winding paths of pavement that crisscross the campus and lead you everywhere you need to be - well, nearly. Our classroom is a bit beyond the paved road and actually ends up a gravel road - but I digress. There is a certain spot between two of the buildings that has a very special palm tree. I know it is special because it never seems to rest from clapping it's leaves (fronds?) together. Every time I go by, it makes me think of Isaiah 55:12:

You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.

I think if trees could love God, this palm tree loves Him more than any tree I've ever seen, because I've never heard it be silent. When I pass that palm tree, I wonder if I worship God as often or as heartily. It just makes me feel happy inside, because its clapping reminds me to do the same - worship, that is. What a sweet reminder - that tree is happy to be planted there, and I am blessed to be planted where I am - in Jesus.
Tonight we watched Invictus. What an incredible story - not just about rugby, but about forgiveness, unity, and one man's journey from prison to presidency. I love the way they portrayed Mandela - no one was invisible to him. He saw every person he worked with as a unique person, and took the time to know their names and what was going on in their personal lives and families. Beautiful.

Nelson Mandela is definitely going in my book of heroes.

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