February 6, 2012

When God packs your lunch

During a worship time a couple weeks ago, there was a pause for us to listen to what God wanted to speak to us. I felt like God told me Stop rushing out! A few moments later, one of our students came up to me with tears in his eyes and shared a word he felt the Lord had given to him for me:

 I don't know about you, but when I was younger, my mom and dad used to pack my lunch for me. 
I feel like the Lord wants to do that for you - God wants to pack your lunch for you, 
to give you strength and the nourishment you need to handle whatever is going on in your life.

Immediately I pictured Jesus, waiting at the end of my bed for me to wake up, and He was so excited! The excitement slowly faded though as I kick started the day by checking e-mails and Facebook, then hopped in the shower. A few moments later, I am out again and there's hair to dry, make-up to apply, girls to wake up - oh me, oh my! Three little ones to feed, dress, and fixing their hair - and BANG! They're off to the start of another day! The rush is on, and as I step out the door, walking fast to get to class on time, I see Jesus' face fall as he holds my lunch out -all the nourishment I need for the day - and I walk away without a second glance...

It was convicting to realize how often I leave Jesus hanging, waiting to connect, to share. How many times have I rushed out without a word? Lord, help us to pause in the middle of everyday moments to realize you are always listening. And help us to set aside those bigger chunks of time, as well.

Do you ever find yourself getting too busy for God? 
How do you carve time out of your day for what's most important?

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