February 8, 2012

Fire in Kailua-Kona

Today there was a fire on the north side of our campus.

It was so big there were helicopters running back and forth for over an hour as they dropped water to put the fire out. Our team was in a training session when they received a call about it. A few moments later, several students were on the scene as they hauled buckets of water from a nearby pool to help stay the fire, and other students shot video and put their newly acquired skills to practice. This news piece was put on the Grassroots News website this afternoon. Honolulu's paper and West Hawaii Today are picking up some of the shots our students took, so it has been a big news day today!

Right now, I am listening to the sound of rain dancing on the sidewalk. God's way of making sure no fires break out during the night...

1 comment:

Karisse said...

Wow! Stay safe my little Mekeisha!

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