January 23, 2012

The daily schedule...

I just realized I haven't shared a lot about what we do every day. What DO those missionaries do when you send them off to help with a DTS? Let me give you an idea...

Waking up around 6am to the sound of dishes being clanked around isn't exactly ideal - but it is a bit unavoidable when your room is stationed above the campus cafeteria. (It is not enclosed.) I guess it saves us from having to set a wake up alarm though... ; ) Around 7am, music fills the air as students finish going through the breakfast line and kitchen workers begin their clean up. In just a few moments, I will be getting all the girls up to eat breakfast and get dressed for the day. Everyone fills the Ohana court - which is adjacent to our building - around 8am for worship. Mondays are special, because the entire campus comes together for an hour of worship.

9am-12:30 Class
We have a different speaker every week, and sometimes more than one. So far, we have heard from a movie producer, a journalist, a Bible scholar and an Aussie-Kiwi couple who shared on Repentance and forgiveness. This week, we will be hearing from Morgan Perry, the producer of the documentary Sex + Money, Darlene Cunningham (the co-founder of YWAM), and Sarah Lanier. Heidi Baker will also be sharing this week. I'm super excited to hear from her!

12:30- 1:15pm Lunch
We usually visit with our students over lunch to get some bonding time in.

1:30-3pm Media training
During this time, we receive training in the areas of photography, journalism, and video editing/production.

3pm-5pm Work duties for our students, meetings and catch up work for us
Our students are involved with Media around the campus. They are helping with the audio visual needs during campus events, filming stories to contribute to Grassroots news, helping to man the Mauka Theater on campus, and also other tech areas.

5-6pm Dinner

Twice a week, the Mauka theater shows a movie, and students discuss how the movie has affected culture - whether it is in a positive or negative way.

Evenings have the potential to be filled as well. For example:

Monday: Leave around 4:30 to go to the beach wit our students for dinner/hang out time/photography
Tuesday: Movie night at the Mauka aka Culture Shapers
Wednesday: Photo critique with Susi Childers
Thursday: Campus wide meeting with worship and a guest speaker, followed by a movie about advocacy
Friday: Open mic night
Sunday: Staff Meeting

Since we are a family, we are not expected to attend all the evening events. So yay! for grace...

A word on worship and prayer meetings: When we stepped into missions the first time, I thought that was what you did all the time - you know, lots of "spiritual" stuff. Boy, was I wrong! There were so many practical jobs to be done, I was surprised! You know, things like cooking, scrubbing toilets, accounting, caring for the lawns, and every other job a school campus has to keep up with... I'm sure the list could go on, but that's all my brain can think of right now.

1 comment:

Karisse said...

Heidi Baker!?! I am so jealous!!!

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