January 1, 2012

He's so humble

Last week Ethan decided to get back on Facebook - mostly because we are working with a media school and a lot of information will be going through there. Anyway, I put a pic of him up and tagged it so he could use it as a profile pic and he ended up tagging the photo all over with little tags like "sexy eyes" and "nice chin hair", "super cool hair"... and on and on it went. Quite amusing, I assure you. We laughed about it until I rapped about it.

He’s so humble, yep he’s so humble

When he’s walkin down the street, you’ll never see him stumble

He’s so humble, yep he’s so humble
Always knows the right thing to say, you’d never hear him fumble.

He’s so fine with his super super cool hair 
His super sexy blue eyes, bright as a blue sky

When I see him walkin down the street
Finest guy you’d ever wanna meet 
I tell you he’s so ripped
When I see him I get gripped with awe,
Say it again - I said awe
Say it again
If you ever get in trouble
And you’re caught up in a rumble
And you need an extra hand
Then you may need My Man
Cause he’s super super fine
So glad that this man’s mine
Just wish I had more time
To tell you bout this fine
fine man.
I know he’d never tell you so
But if the Jeep, it does go broke
Don’t say I didn’t tell you so
He’s the man to get the job done
And he knows how to have fun
In the hot Hawaiian sun.
He’s been working on his tan. 
That super fine man
He just can’t be outdone.

He’s so humble. Yup, he’s so humble
Ladies, they be trippin and the guys -well, they be flippin
Cause the likes of him, they’ve never seen
They’re turning multi shades of green

But he’s mine, all mine
And he doesn’t have the slightest clue.
How great he is.
Cause he’s so humble. So very humble.

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