January 1, 2012


Well, a couple days ago we had to move from our spacious room into a smaller one. Which was a little interesting, because they moved 6 of us to put a family of four in. Our new room is smaller, and because I didn't know we were supposed to move until the day before it happened, it was a bit of a jolt. The morning of our move, I slipped out to take a look at the place they were moving us to. I came back to our room and laid down on the bed and cried.
It was an emotional day.

All the beds were in one room. Which is a little awkward when your nanny is staying with you.  : (
This just wouldn't work very well for us, so Ethan and Carlie went hunting for a place she could stay. The rest of the day was spent packing, moving our belongings down the hill, and cleaning up our other place.

After we moved all our things over, I was giving the girls a little tour around our new place. When I showed Jasmine that we had a shower stall (instead of a tub) she was very upset. "I don't like showers!" was all she managed to blurt out before she slumped her shoulders and went to the bed in the living room. A few moments later, I found her lying on the bed crying. "I don't want to stay here. I want to go back to the other room." she pleaded.

I'm sorry, babe, but this is what we have - we can't change it. Sometimes we have to make sacrifices to do things that are important. We want to help teach young people about Jesus, so that means sometimes we have to be happy with what we have even when it's hard...

And I am still learning that one too, I guess. Thankfully, our new friends (and leaders) Jeff and Quezia offered to let the girls come over and take a bath in their tub whenever we need to. YAY! God is so thoughtful towards us... and there is always grace for every new situation.

1 comment:

Karisse said...

oh sucky. I'm sorry. :(

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