March 8, 2012

Raw God

This poem was inspired by Andy Byrd - who used the phrase ''Give me raw God'' several times when he spoke on the Holy Spirit a couple weeks ago. 

Pasteurized, homogenized
Condensed and packaged into a smaller size
A God I can understand
With more gifts than demands
I'll take two please
Because one isn't enough to meet my needs
On second thought - never mind...
I'm tired of serving a God that's travel size
Just give me raw God please
The One that makes warriors weak at the knees.
No limit to what raw God can do....
I've seen him work wonders; I know it's true
We feel safer with a God we understand
But an unseen God's worth equals (more than) two in the hand
So bring on the flavor; I'm ready to savor
A taste of the Divine; I've heard it's sublime
These crumbs I've scavenged from the pulpits of men
Turned to dust in my mouth as soon as I heard of Him.

There's nothing quite like a God in the raw
To quench a man's hunger.... unless he's filled up on poison.
In which case you need a Doctor. 
But that would make this an entirely different story...

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