March 8, 2012

These feet

The lovely feet of Susi Childers: woman with a vision to speak up and become a Voice for the Voiceless.

These feet have seen one of the deepest jungles of the Amazon.

They have blazed trails through jungles of green.

They have tread paths alongside the world's most poisonous snakes.

They have waded through pirahna infested waters.

These feet have carried hope.

These feet have been called beautiful, but not for pink's sake.

These feet have walked into some of the darkest corners of the world and emerged with a message:


Come with your light; run with your salt.

Come to the field where the action is

Come to the place where you lose your way and find His.

Come and spend yourselves on behalf of the hungry.

Come satisfy the needs of the oppressed.

Come loose the chains of injustice.

Come set the oppressed free, and break every yoke.

Come and share your food with the hungry.

Come and give shelter to those who have none.

Come give your clothes to those who are naked.

Come and you will find 

        A life worth living
        A Savior worth following

        A world worth loving.

What are we waiting for?

The word is out: we are not waiting on God; He is waiting on us.




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