August 31, 2012

Facebook Fridays - August 2012

Headed over to see my brother before I fly out today - it's his birthday! Yesterday, I drove 4 hours round trip to see my dad. Then we spent 3+ hours driving around so he could introduce me to everyone. Sweet man...

So happy to be on my way home: just 17 hours till I get to kiss Ethan hello and cuddle with my sweet girls. YAY! Btw, here's me and my bro: (sorry if it's upside down.)

Woohoo! Made it home to Ethan and the girls!! Jasmine wrapped a present for me every night I was away, and insisted I open them before I could unpack the things I had brought for them - so sweet...

Twilight fans - I found Jake!

Nine outfits. That's how many sets of clothes the average American woman owned in 1930. Today? Women buy 60 pieces of new clothing per year. [Time, 8/6/12 stats] 
Wow. nice little random fact of the day.

Maya: Mom, what is that music?
Me: I think that's music from the Nutcracker.
Maya: Don't you mean Nightcracker?
Me: No, it's Nutcracker. What's a Nightcracker?
Maya: Well, he goes into people's houses at night and eats all their crackers. And they can't hear him.

Jasmine: Mom, can we go to Africa?
Me: Why do you want to go to Africa?
J: So we can teach them about God. Mom, do some people have dirty water?
Me: Yes. Some people drink water that makes them sick, because it is dirty with germs.
J: I want to give people clean water.
Me: Well, we could save our money and send it so they can build a well with clean water.
J: Can we give them Living Water, so they'll never get sick and they won't die?
Me: You inspire me.

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