March 2, 2014

Dog sledding, frigid waters, and close calls

Wow. This weekend was adventurous in more ways than one! Saturday morning I got all the girls up and ready to go dog sledding!! This week is Frosty Fever, a festive week of fun happenings around our little town. This was the first time we had ever been dog sledding!

If you want to check out my ride, you can click over here.

Afterwards, we headed to the harbor in town to watch the Splash In, a fundraiser for our local Fire Department. Ethan donned his Nacho Libre mask for the occasion:

We were all excited to see everyone dive in, but before it even started we had a mishap. I was hanging out with Sofia while keeping an eye on Rosalina and Maya. Jasmine was sitting on a bar with one of her friends and chatting. I didn't see it happen, but I did recognize Jasmine's voice when she started screaming MOM! MOM! She had lost her balance and slipped off the bar, knocking her head on the edge of a steel beam below. Ethan reached her first and held her as she continued yelling for me. Ow - my back hurts! Thankfully, there were paramedics on hand for the event, so they checked her reflexes as Ethan held her in his lap. We also prayed over her as she sobbed and kept repeating Home - I want to go home! The paramedics offered to call an ambulance, but we declined, and they briefed us on some signs to watch for. Afterwards, Ethan helped Jasmine walk up the gangplank, and I took her and the baby home.

As we drove, I prayed over her, and by the time we got home, she had calmed down. I gave her some Tylenol, then settled her on the couch with a popsicle and a cartoon so she could rest. Meanwhile back at the harbor, Ethan's sister and one of my friends captured Ethan's moment of glory:

He ended up winning a prize for the best costume. He deserved it.  :) Sunday morning I stayed home with Jasmine and the baby while Ethan went in with the other two. Afterwards, my friends forced, I mean asked me to join them on a trek back to the Valdez glacier. I almost didn't go- I'm terribly out of shape and am a homebody at heart. I ended up going though, and loved every moment- minus the not being able to talk part. (I haven't had a voice for a couple days now.)
Gosh, I love those smiles!
Sunny Day
Alaskan kids are cool.
 A friend's husband even dropped by on their snowmachine to give each of us a ride.
The surface of the cave was like polished glass
I think this was my favorite picture of the day.  :)
No filter - this is from the haze on my camera lens
This was probably my most adventurous weekend all winter!
Yay for making memories though, right? Minus my girl hurting her head, that is.
By the way, she is doing great. She even made dinner last night - a hearty vegetable soup!

It was delicious.

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