April 29, 2014

A peek into my day...

Today was a beautiful spring day. Jasmine worked on putting together the birdhouse kit she got from Gigi and Grandpa:

Meanwhile, Maya found a needle and some thread and repaired a rip in one of her beloved stuffed animals:

Rosalina wanted to color, but I made her relocate because the baby has been finding and eating all the crayons lately.

Rosalina found some chapstick in the living room, so she brought it over and asked, "Can this be my lipstick taser?!?!"

I said yes.

Then the girls ended the evening by dressing up as Superheroes and fighting imaginary bad guys.

Jasmine wore her batgirl costume- this was what she had requested for her birthday this year!

Rosalina was a flower fairy whose superpower made bad guys into bunnies. ; )

Bad guys BEWARE! lol

 I love days like this, little hands busy with work and imaginations running free...

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