May 26, 2014

Leatherworking 101

I love my husband, and I love that he has found a hobby he thoroughly enjoys: leather working. It started this spring, when we visited a church in Copper Center with some friends. We discovered that the pastor there offers free leather working classes every Saturday, while his wife offers quilting classes on the same day.

Sofia checking it out :)
Isn't the craftsmanship amazing?

We had to get a picture of Ethan in Warrior mode. lol

 Ethan took Jasmine up a a couple weekends after, and they each started separate projects- Jasmine with her first quilt, and Ethan learning how to work leather.

Trimming the edges

Before stain

After stain
I love these kind of old fashioned trades- it's like a lost art in this day and age. It's amazing how quickly he picked it up, too! The belt was one of his first projects, and this scabbard (below) was his second big project. I'm amazed that he was able to do such an amazing job, since he has never made anything like that before.
What can I say? I married a very talented man. ; )

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