December 1, 2011

I'm on the front line

This last week, my Granny sent me a poem she wrote. She is one of the few people I have a written correspondence with - you know, snail mail? Yes. it's a lovely thing. I used to think I didn't have time to write unless I could write a full page. Then I received a card from my Granny, and all it said was Thinking of you today while making spaghetti. Love you! That card made my day, and I realized it doesn't take a lot of words to make someone feel special. Here's the poem she shared with me:

Life's battles are raging
I'm on the front line
Sometimes I get so weary
I feel I'm falling behind
Then there rises within me
A power so divine
I'm not in a fox hole
I'm on the front line.

I refuse to be defeated
It just takes a made up mind
So I put back on my armor
And step right back in line
So Satan, get behind me
The power of God is mine
My place is not in a foxhole
I'm on the front line.

My loved ones are depending on me
So I must rise and shine
The Word tells me what to do
And it's not to run or whine
My helmet's on, my breast plate too
The sword is in my hand
I'm not in no fox hole
I'm on the line to stand.

Satan knows he's defeated
Deception's his ole line
He's like a broken record
Some ole garbage all the time
There's no need to let him bluff you
Just don't pay hm any mind
The word is what defeats him
We're not in a fox hole
We're on the firing line.

-Juanita Allgood

What a wonderful revelation! This sweet lady is now in her eighties and has had a lot of physical challenges with age. Yet she wakes at 4 or 5 in the morning and prays for people while she rocks in her favorite chair. Talk about a secret weapon! She is ours, because I know she prays for our family. What an encouragement. I want to be like her when I get older...

1 comment:

Thomas and Lisa said...

What a precious treasure you have in your grandmother!

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Thanks for sharing... I love to hear from you!